This is a no holds bar discussion blog on where you think this country should be going and how it should get there. I will discuss past, present and future politics and how it affected and will effect our way of life. I invite conservatives, moderates and progressives to post your thoughts. This is the future of our country and we need to get it back on track. My goal is to change one mind at a time and turn this back into the nation of our forefathers!
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What's In a Name?

1 comment:

  1. I think that since alot of universities are so liberal minded, that the proffessors teach those views to students. Also, many rock bands and other music is pretty anti-American and anti-war, and alot of kids listen to that crap, thus growing up and viewing war as evil. The fact that ROTC was banned due to "don't ask don't tell" is absurd. Just because someone is in ROTC doesn't mean they discriminate against Transsexuals. It's just that the majority of the younger society seems to be heading down the socialist path and it's sickening. The majority of the younger people in the U.S. don't even know how good they have it here compared to Iraq or other foreign countries. Maybe the only way for our country to wake up is to give them a taste of socialism. Kind of like how God lets us experience the full consequences of our actions in order to get us to change.
