This is a no holds bar discussion blog on where you think this country should be going and how it should get there. I will discuss past, present and future politics and how it affected and will effect our way of life. I invite conservatives, moderates and progressives to post your thoughts. This is the future of our country and we need to get it back on track. My goal is to change one mind at a time and turn this back into the nation of our forefathers!
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Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Deaf President

It’s been a 1 ½ years since Mr. Obama took the oath to uphold the constitution so help me God. Many were skeptical of his politically moderate jargon and wondered what lurked behind the smile and promises. A man who spoke so loud “for the people” has turned into deaf ears. From every angle the President seems to ignore the voice of America and slap us with policies he believes will ultimately be good for the people. We know how health care turned out, cap and trade is still on the table, oil drilling has been stopped even though the court overturned that decision and Arizona has been slapped with the silliest lawsuit ever created. However, I do believe that Mr. Obama’s detachment from reality is finally catching up with him; even within in his own party. As of now, Mr. Obama’s overall approval rating is 43 percent compared to 65 percent back in January 2009. When we break it down into groups, polls show only 40 percent of Independents approve of Mr. Obama’s job performance compared to 66 back in June 2009. Perhaps the most profound is his approval rating within the Democratic Party. Right now, 84 percent of Dems approve. That might not sound low but compared to 93 percent a year ago it’s a big dip. The crazy thing is, there is no secrete to the snowballing approval rating. When you sneak by congress and appoint a super far left head of Medicare who believes in wealth redistribution, it’s going to make a lot of people mad. Or how about when you sue a state for upholding federal law when other sanctuary cities remain untouched (being a sanctuary city is illegal by the way). It’s no secret now that Mr. Obama IS a socialist. If you don’t believe me just research any of the policies in this post. With more radical policies in the pipe, Mr. Obama’s rating will continue to drop as disillusioned Americans realize the true agenda of the progressive movement. People are waking up and Mr. Obama has a choice to make; represent Americans or find another place to rent.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dollars in, Sense out

We all know that America is in dire financial crisis and it seems that the spending will never stop; or will it. In a move I felt hallow, Mr. Obama, a few months back, complied a commission to investigate and determine what can be done to stop the building U.S. debt. Erskin Bowls is a CO Chairmen for this board and was a former adviser to Bill Clinton. He recently spoke about the findings and what he said both gave me hope and terrified me. Bowls had this to say “what is clear to me, just by glancing at it, is that if we don’t restore some fiscal sanity around here, as a nation, we are going to go broke. I know that’s not a word people like to use, but I happens to be true. We face the most predictable economic crisis in history and if we stay on automatic pilot the debt we are accumulating will be like a cancer. It will defiantly destroy this country from within.” Wow, finally some sane words coming from this administration. This totally took me by surprise and makes me second guess the shallowness of the commission. It wasn’t a far right Republican saying these words, but a Democrat picked by President Obama. However, here is my next question. Will Obama heed the words of his own commission? Sadly I think he won’t. The ever expanding entitlement programs will continue along with Obama care and this country will dive further into debt. It’s coming to a tipping point people. Obama is becoming the President who acts against the will of the people. He already charged health care and is suing Arizona even though over half support the law. Now it seems he could act against his own commissions. I still believe Obama set the commission up to appease those wanting “fiscal sanity” and never intended to stop spending. Again, however this commission, just from glancing at it, can see our doom if we do not change direction. This is urgent. I’ve said this before and I mean it every time I say it, this country is in danger like never before. We MUST stop spending! We can’t handle it. We must keep the pressure on this administration less we become a destroyed super power of the past. No country will invade and take this land. Our own leaders will take us into ruin.

Monday, July 12, 2010

thurT Spelled Backwards

If knowledge is power, than withholding it is invincibility. I am sad to say that, yet again, the Obama administration is downplaying and even looking to eliminate the face on an enemy we have been at war with for almost 10 years. The administration is preparing to drop references to Islamic extremism in reference to our war against terrorism. The administration hopes that by doing this, they can rebuild Muslim relations and still strike at militants. President Obama has said that words matter and believes that by ceasing the use of “inflammatory descriptions” we won’t feed the enemies propaganda along with not alienating moderate Muslims. I say again, what planet am I really on. Readers, you understand how dangerous this is. Does it matter what we call them? Are they going to lay down their arms and stop recruiting because we have FINALLY figured out that the Islam they represent is violent and obviously not the mainstream? If I leave a deep wound unattended because I refuse to acknowledge its severity, will it not get infected? I can say there is no Sun and yet have light strike me. Believing that any other type of descriptor will in any way provide victory on the battlefield is ridiculous not to mention dangerous. I wonder if Mr. Obama ever read the Art of War during his free ride through school. I specifically remember it saying, “Know your enemy.” Now, regarding Mr. Obama’s comment on alienating moderate Muslims; this is equally preposterous. Why would a moderate Muslim feel offended if we labeled a terrorist as an Islamic extremist if that’s what he is? When a radical man who was known to be a Christian shot an abortion doctor dead in a church, I didn’t feel alienated by labeling him as an extremist, why? Because I know that’s not right. If a moderate Muslim feels alienated by describing Islamic extremists as terrorists, than maybe he/she isn’t very moderate. Now I will say that I am pleased with the current operations dealing with terrorists, like the drone strikes and sending more troops, but blurring who and what the enemy believes simple confuses me. If you were at the gym working out, would you only focus on one arm? Of course not, that would be stupid! You need 2 equally strong arms. Our troops need to know who they are fighting and why. Mr. Obama wants to forget about the why and focus on the whom.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

One Man, an Entire Nation

A man once told me, a hero isn’t one who exceeds the standards, but does what is expected. Now the context of this statement would be a moral society expecting people to do the right thing. In a time where morality seems in short supply a beacon of hope shines in the distance. A security camera caught a homeless man in El Paso, Texas braving high winds and torrential rain to rescue a fallen American flag. He not only rescued it, but folded it with military precision. This simple act of patriotism has caught the attention of many Americans, including myself. A man with nothing took the time to show his immense respect for the country he proudly lives in. If it were you walking by that day, would you have rescued the symbol of freedom? Would I? Of coarse it doesn’t matter because he did and because he did, many more will follow. As proud as I am for this man, this was not the main issue for discussion for the post. What really gave me hope was the outpouring of support from Americans across the country. Upon hearing of the deed, countless people wanted to show their gratitude by sending both emotional and financial support to the homeless man. An employee who works for Meti Inc. (A federal contractor who owns the flag) said “We've gotten so many calls from people all over the nation wanting to help.” This is the kind of charity that nurtured America to its super power status. No government handout, no entitlement program just regular Americans wanting to help this man get back on his feet. This is what will fix America. The simple act of a man securing a fallen flag has resurfaced America’s true identity. Success and progress comes not with whips and threats but freedom and patriotism. As of right now, there is no official fund you can send money to, but I’m sure in a couple of days that will change if your interested. So today I stand and point and say “see, see this is what America is about, neighbors helping neighbors. We want no assistance from the bee hive in Washington! Leave us our freedoms and we will help each other fix our problems.” Readers, lets find a fallen symbol of freedom, save it and help others as they attempt to save it too. America is built on braving high winds and torrential rain to accomplish what is expected.

God Bless America

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Second Guessing the Second Guesser

For a man who so diligently second guesses important issues like the character of our policemen, claiming they acted “stupidly” in the drama that led to the famous beer summit, I find it humorous that Arizona is being sued on the pretenses of “second guessing the federal government.” What if a child was attacked by a bully and because he defended himself, he was suspended for second guessing the responsibilities of the hall monitor? That’s what is happening here. Heck nowhere that I’ve read in the lawsuit have I seen mention of possibly racial profiling as a reason. Wasn’t that what this whole stink was about? Attorney Eric Holder had this to say about the law suit "Arizonans are understandably frustrated with illegal immigration, and the federal government has a responsibility to comprehensively address those concerns. But diverting federal resources away from dangerous aliens such as terrorism suspects and aliens with criminal records will impact the entire country's safety." Am I living in an alternate universe, or are they? That’s the whole point of Arizona law in the first place! Many illegal immigrants DO have criminal records and what’s to stop a terrorist from skipping over our puny walls anyway? And I guess Arizona is no longer part of the “entire country?” Give me a freaking break. There is no second guessing the Feds here, Arizona is simply filling a void the Feds have clearly failed to occupy. Not only is Arizona under attack from dangerous drug cartels, but now they have the federal government ready to pounce as well. I guess the recent voter intimidation case wasn’t serious enough for the DOJ to pursue since that case deals with a constitutional right (another blog for another time). In one hand Obama talks of “comprehensive immigration reform” and in the other he further divides America with this lawsuit. It’s becoming clearer that perhaps Obama’s “comprehensive plan” will be granting legal status for all illegal immigrants. If that’s what he wants how will he address the drug cartels? That’s the main issue here. Our borders are becoming a war zone and this lawsuit shows that any state wanting to protect its citizens are “second guessing” this second guesser administration. Maybe they should send NASA in to lead sensitivity training.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Non-existent American Space Adminisrtation

I’m sure many of you have heard and read about this new story, but for those of you who haven’t, pay close attention. The current administration is trying to feed us another mud pie and disguising it as cheesecake. They are methodically dismantling an institution (yes it’s crucial to society) that has been around for 52 years. Since its inception in 1958, NASA has been on the cutting edge of new technology. It has been the face of American ingenuity and sheer grit. But we all knew that already didn’t we? It has all turned to madness, and no we are not in Sparta. Not only has NASA been stripped of its former space faring glory, but it’s now been tarred and feathered. The current administration has given NASA’s administrator, Charles Bolden its 3 new priorities: re-inspire children to want to study science and math, expand our international relationships, and first and foremost, reach out and engage the Muslim world and help them feel good about their historic contribution to science…… Are you kidding me? NASA has officially been reduced to a cultural awareness training cite with lots of old rocket ships. They might as well hire Dr. Phil. I can’t even put to words how disgraceful this is. NASA employees are being laid off, entitlement programs are all the rage and they are watching their beloved program turn into a bonding group. Many of the innovations and technology leaps were because of NASA; and the reason they sought those achievements? To get into space! Now explain to me where the motivation is to research new technologies. As far as re-inspiring children to want to study math and science; I haven’t done much research, but since when are people interested in math and science in short supply? Last time I checked MIT was still hard to get into. The engineering program in my school is flourishing and I’m sure there are still kids who want to be an astronaut the first time they watch a shuttle race into space on TV (well I guess that wont happen anymore). Programs like the constellation program, which was designing new rockets to reach the moon and beyond, have been scrapped and in its place, unofficial diplomats wasting their time. This whole scenario is so backwards. I am convinced we are no longer even inching forward. America is being castrated. Next thing you know our military will become government Christmas carolers. It seems this administration creates its own epidemic problems out of thin air and in response is shutting down this country.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Back By Popular Demand

Before I start my rant I want to thank everyone for all their gracious words about this blog. Although my writing fingers have been itching to post my crazy thoughts, my recent duties had taken my attention to more immediate matters. However, because of you, my avid 3 readers, this blog will be resuscitated and continue to share American thoughts. Now, that said, let’s begin shall we?
From the oil spill, legalization of pot, General McChrystal, Elena Kaegan, to the painting over a mural of an American flag a week before the 4rth, (way to go governator) I’d say we Americans have had plenty to be disgusted about (I didn’t even mention the economy). While driving home the other day through the purple mountain majesties’ of North Dakota, that was a joke, I looked over at my wife and said “you know, I think this 4rth of July will mean more to a lot of people than most years.”
“Why?” She asked. Why indeed. Besides the onset of WWII, there has not been a time when the American way of life has been so threatened. God has been banished from our schools, the pledge of allegiance is becoming outlawed literature and the constitution is being interpreted out of existence. But every 4rth of July it comes back. We can’t escape the smell of gunpowder on old muskets as you imagine the miracle of our victory over red coat tyranny. We can’t escape the wonder of a man boating across the Delaware. As our neighborhoods sound like a revolutionary war battle field, we imagine men risking their lives to write a document that would forge a country of freedom for all men. We remember “WE THE PEOPLE” and we wake up. We realize how timeless our constitution really is. We take to the streets to celebrate and thank those who studied war so that our sons and daughters could study math and English. We thank the immigrants who braved the unknown and settled this great land. We celebrate FREEDOM! As we see our freedoms slowly slip away and witness evil men plot against our way of life, this 4rth of July we remember what our good elders intended and we wake up ready to fight, and keep it.

God Bless America