This is a no holds bar discussion blog on where you think this country should be going and how it should get there. I will discuss past, present and future politics and how it affected and will effect our way of life. I invite conservatives, moderates and progressives to post your thoughts. This is the future of our country and we need to get it back on track. My goal is to change one mind at a time and turn this back into the nation of our forefathers!
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Monday, July 12, 2010

thurT Spelled Backwards

If knowledge is power, than withholding it is invincibility. I am sad to say that, yet again, the Obama administration is downplaying and even looking to eliminate the face on an enemy we have been at war with for almost 10 years. The administration is preparing to drop references to Islamic extremism in reference to our war against terrorism. The administration hopes that by doing this, they can rebuild Muslim relations and still strike at militants. President Obama has said that words matter and believes that by ceasing the use of “inflammatory descriptions” we won’t feed the enemies propaganda along with not alienating moderate Muslims. I say again, what planet am I really on. Readers, you understand how dangerous this is. Does it matter what we call them? Are they going to lay down their arms and stop recruiting because we have FINALLY figured out that the Islam they represent is violent and obviously not the mainstream? If I leave a deep wound unattended because I refuse to acknowledge its severity, will it not get infected? I can say there is no Sun and yet have light strike me. Believing that any other type of descriptor will in any way provide victory on the battlefield is ridiculous not to mention dangerous. I wonder if Mr. Obama ever read the Art of War during his free ride through school. I specifically remember it saying, “Know your enemy.” Now, regarding Mr. Obama’s comment on alienating moderate Muslims; this is equally preposterous. Why would a moderate Muslim feel offended if we labeled a terrorist as an Islamic extremist if that’s what he is? When a radical man who was known to be a Christian shot an abortion doctor dead in a church, I didn’t feel alienated by labeling him as an extremist, why? Because I know that’s not right. If a moderate Muslim feels alienated by describing Islamic extremists as terrorists, than maybe he/she isn’t very moderate. Now I will say that I am pleased with the current operations dealing with terrorists, like the drone strikes and sending more troops, but blurring who and what the enemy believes simple confuses me. If you were at the gym working out, would you only focus on one arm? Of course not, that would be stupid! You need 2 equally strong arms. Our troops need to know who they are fighting and why. Mr. Obama wants to forget about the why and focus on the whom.

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