This is a no holds bar discussion blog on where you think this country should be going and how it should get there. I will discuss past, present and future politics and how it affected and will effect our way of life. I invite conservatives, moderates and progressives to post your thoughts. This is the future of our country and we need to get it back on track. My goal is to change one mind at a time and turn this back into the nation of our forefathers!
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Thursday, July 8, 2010

One Man, an Entire Nation

A man once told me, a hero isn’t one who exceeds the standards, but does what is expected. Now the context of this statement would be a moral society expecting people to do the right thing. In a time where morality seems in short supply a beacon of hope shines in the distance. A security camera caught a homeless man in El Paso, Texas braving high winds and torrential rain to rescue a fallen American flag. He not only rescued it, but folded it with military precision. This simple act of patriotism has caught the attention of many Americans, including myself. A man with nothing took the time to show his immense respect for the country he proudly lives in. If it were you walking by that day, would you have rescued the symbol of freedom? Would I? Of coarse it doesn’t matter because he did and because he did, many more will follow. As proud as I am for this man, this was not the main issue for discussion for the post. What really gave me hope was the outpouring of support from Americans across the country. Upon hearing of the deed, countless people wanted to show their gratitude by sending both emotional and financial support to the homeless man. An employee who works for Meti Inc. (A federal contractor who owns the flag) said “We've gotten so many calls from people all over the nation wanting to help.” This is the kind of charity that nurtured America to its super power status. No government handout, no entitlement program just regular Americans wanting to help this man get back on his feet. This is what will fix America. The simple act of a man securing a fallen flag has resurfaced America’s true identity. Success and progress comes not with whips and threats but freedom and patriotism. As of right now, there is no official fund you can send money to, but I’m sure in a couple of days that will change if your interested. So today I stand and point and say “see, see this is what America is about, neighbors helping neighbors. We want no assistance from the bee hive in Washington! Leave us our freedoms and we will help each other fix our problems.” Readers, lets find a fallen symbol of freedom, save it and help others as they attempt to save it too. America is built on braving high winds and torrential rain to accomplish what is expected.

God Bless America

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