This is a no holds bar discussion blog on where you think this country should be going and how it should get there. I will discuss past, present and future politics and how it affected and will effect our way of life. I invite conservatives, moderates and progressives to post your thoughts. This is the future of our country and we need to get it back on track. My goal is to change one mind at a time and turn this back into the nation of our forefathers!
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dollars in, Sense out

We all know that America is in dire financial crisis and it seems that the spending will never stop; or will it. In a move I felt hallow, Mr. Obama, a few months back, complied a commission to investigate and determine what can be done to stop the building U.S. debt. Erskin Bowls is a CO Chairmen for this board and was a former adviser to Bill Clinton. He recently spoke about the findings and what he said both gave me hope and terrified me. Bowls had this to say “what is clear to me, just by glancing at it, is that if we don’t restore some fiscal sanity around here, as a nation, we are going to go broke. I know that’s not a word people like to use, but I happens to be true. We face the most predictable economic crisis in history and if we stay on automatic pilot the debt we are accumulating will be like a cancer. It will defiantly destroy this country from within.” Wow, finally some sane words coming from this administration. This totally took me by surprise and makes me second guess the shallowness of the commission. It wasn’t a far right Republican saying these words, but a Democrat picked by President Obama. However, here is my next question. Will Obama heed the words of his own commission? Sadly I think he won’t. The ever expanding entitlement programs will continue along with Obama care and this country will dive further into debt. It’s coming to a tipping point people. Obama is becoming the President who acts against the will of the people. He already charged health care and is suing Arizona even though over half support the law. Now it seems he could act against his own commissions. I still believe Obama set the commission up to appease those wanting “fiscal sanity” and never intended to stop spending. Again, however this commission, just from glancing at it, can see our doom if we do not change direction. This is urgent. I’ve said this before and I mean it every time I say it, this country is in danger like never before. We MUST stop spending! We can’t handle it. We must keep the pressure on this administration less we become a destroyed super power of the past. No country will invade and take this land. Our own leaders will take us into ruin.

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