This is a no holds bar discussion blog on where you think this country should be going and how it should get there. I will discuss past, present and future politics and how it affected and will effect our way of life. I invite conservatives, moderates and progressives to post your thoughts. This is the future of our country and we need to get it back on track. My goal is to change one mind at a time and turn this back into the nation of our forefathers!
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Monday, January 18, 2010

The Two Sides of a Great Leader (Warning some of this content may be dry at first so deal with it)

One Side

Three days ago a man was born who, by sheer character and determination, brought about profound social change and gripped America’s hearts forever. This day is Martin Luther King’s birthday; a day of mourning, celebration and realization. A leader such as this who changed American society and opportunity for not just blacks but all races. There are many things I love about Dr. King Jr. and there are things that sadden me. Before I continue let me have the honor of giving you a brief history of his life and works:

Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta Georgia and was the single most prominent leader of the African American civil rights movement. Dr. King had a Baptist affiliation and is even considered a martyr by two Christian churches. Dr. King started his civil rights career at a young age and led the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955 and helped establish the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957. Mr. King became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace prize. In 1963 Dr. King led the March on Washington where he delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech and subsequently became one of the best speakers in U.S. history. Dr. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis Tennessee. After his death Dr. King was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977 and the Congressional Gold Medal in 2004. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was dedicated as a U.S. holiday in 1986 signed by President George Bush Sr.

The Other

Perhaps the most important aspect of Dr. King’s message was his non-violent approach. He was inspired by Gandhi after he visited him, in India, in 1959. Another man named Rustin also had a profound influence on Dr King’s life. Rustin was an open homosexual who supported democratic socialism and had ties to the Communist Party USA. This in turn alarmed many white and African-American leaders who insisted that Dr King distance himself from Rustin. Now Dr King was all about social change, not only in terms of rights but also financially. Dr King stated many times the importance of a strong government “compensation” program to help the poor and needy of all races “It should benefit the disadvantaged of all races.” More on the reasoning of Dr King’s beliefs on compensation you can research on your own. But I want to get to Dr Kings opposition of the Vietnam War of which I strongly disagree with almost to anger. On April 4, 1967 Dr King gave a speech at the New York City Riverside Church called “Beyond Vietnam.” In this speech Dr King states the U.S role as strictly “to occupy it as an American colony.” Sound familiar to anyone? He also stated the U.S. government as being “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.” Also, he criticized the government for spending too much on military and not enough on social welfare services. Again, sound familiar to anyone? Perhaps the most troubling and heartbreaking quote from Dr King was this regarding our men of service in Vietnam killing a million Vietnamese “mostly children.” Now you can debate the strategies of Vietnam as horrible, which many of them were, but I know our sole purpose there was to help a democratic nation resist an oppressive communist government backed by Russia. I believe by the end of Dr King’s life he had sadly degraded into the post American era agenda that we are seeing today. No doubt the works of Dr King were imperative to our success as a nation following his life. I believe every race, as long as they are legal citizens, should bathe in the glory of freedom and have the same opportunities as anyone else in this United States of America.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ketchup and Mustard

When doing the research for this topic I thought of so many titles to call it; “Cadillac s, horse buggies and cast systems”,” "I don’t drive a Cadillac or a horse buggy” and “What’s in a union?” But I thought straight and simple was the best choice, so, I’m going to give you the next topic straight and simple too. As you all know the health care debacle keeps on getting crazier and crazier. Remember when you were a child and your family would have a wonderful dinner at their favorite restaurant, but you could never refrain from putting as much ketchup and mustard in a glass of water as you could? You could only put so much junk in the glass until it overflowed gushing out the toxic oz you jest created. I believe we are at that point. In this restaurant though, the ketchup and mustard will be “Unions.” Last Thursday Obama and Democrats agreed that unions would be exempt from a 40 percent tax on high payout plans mostly provided to high risk workers. What does that mean to you the 20-29 year old reading this blog because the title sounded curious? It means join a Union. It means all those plans you had in college of starting your own business and being innovative and basically a hard working American can be thrown down the drain. Its means Unions are the new teachers pet. Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell had this to say about the agreement “It encourages people, actually, to join unions, presumably, because they would get better treatment from the government on their health care proposal." And he’s exactly right. It seems it’s a do whatever it takes to pass this bill mentality to the extreme. President Obama even had to audacity to say "This will be a victory not for Democrats," Obama said. "It will be a victory for dignity and decency, and for our common humanity. It will be a victory for the United States of America." Dignity of what, decency of whom? The only dignity and decency I can see if for this whole concoction to stop. Stop adding these crazy ingredients and then calling it a cocktail. Unlike when we were children there is no one to reprimand them and tell them if they don’t stop they’ll be grounded for a week.

Friday, January 15, 2010

How the World Health Orginization is trying to kill us

Today I fell out of my seat. We all know the progressive agenda of world wide everything i.e. currency, government, health care, EPA just to name a few. But really, we didn’t think, myself included, any of this stuff would come to fruition did we? I mean it’s just an abstract idea of utopia that man kind can never achieve because well, we’re human. Well some people just aren’t convinced utopia is unachievable, so I’m scared and sad tell you this new developing controversy. The WHO apparently intends to ask governments to impose taxes on everyday life activities like I don’t know just the INTERNET and paying bills on line to name a few. I know your thinking hahaha this post is funny, but what’s the real story. I’m sorry to say this is it. The WHO believes this could raise “tens of billions of dollars” for research and manufacturing in a so called new global medical industry. The best part is what they plan to called it, are you ready? It’s called the “indirect consumer tax.” A panel of 34 supervisory Executive Board members (what the heck does that even mean) will debate this at a bi-annual meeting in Geneva. The name itself is so bureaucratic it makes me want to throw up. This isn’t the only idea brewing across the Atlantic; I mean this is only 14 months in the making according to reports. There is already such a tax, which is also hosted by the WHO, attached to airlines tickets in countries such as France, Brazil, Chile, Norway and Britain. These extra fees range from $1.20 to $58. Look people I’m all for new research and the advancement of medicine. However, this is just another scheme of wealth redistribution. Excluding other nations, we as Americans are already strapped for cash as it is ok. There is no way I’m going to pay a tax to access this blog to let Americans know of these injustices. Furthermore, does anyone remember taxation without representation? That’s what this is. Do you think there will be a vote on this? I bet not. Oh, maybe we can see the debate on C-SPAN. If you want to find out more go check out any news outlet. I’m just here to let you know this is going on. Man I just fell out of my seat again!

God bless America

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

You Lie!

“You lie!”

We all remember the moment. President Barack Obama speaking to congress trying to tip the scales of health care reform in his favor.

President Obama: “There are also those who claim that our reform efforts would claim illegal immigrants. This too is false. The reforms I’m proposing, would not apply to those here illegally.”

I need not repeat Rep Joe Wilson’s comment. Now, I’ve just scratched the surface of what I’m about to tell you and all of it might not even be factual, but my friends if it is, this is insane. According to reports, Democrats are in the middle of talks with the Hispanic caucus trying to rally support for their health care reform. Ok, that in itself isn’t a big a deal since they’ve coerced so many other organizations with bribes and benefits. I think though this one takes the cake. In order to gain the Hispanic support Democrats are flirting with the idea of allowing Illegal immigrants health coverage or some incentive there within. Wait, wait, wait WAIT. Back up.

President Obama: “There are also those who claim that our reform efforts would claim illegal immigrants. This too is false. The reforms I’m proposing, would not apply to those here illegally.”

Ok good so the president says illegal immigrants will not qualify for health benefits in this reform plan. I mean if he said it, it must be true right?

Then Senator Barack Obama: “Not negotiating behind closed doors, but bringing all parties together and broadcasting those negotiations on C-SPAN so the American people can see what the choices are.”

OHHHH that’s righhhttt C-SPAN only had to write a formal letter to congress requesting, once again, full camera coverage access to ALL of the relevant negotiations on how our health care system will be changed in this country. Man, what a swell guy he is. The only thing I’ve ever seen on C-SPAN was the “debate” to cut off funding for the F-22 program. But that’s another blog for another time.

My Americans I will be sure to do some more digging and see where this rabbit hole leads. If it is as it seems then Rep Joe Wilson will turn red saying….You Lie!


God bless America

Monday, January 11, 2010

The RE-American generation

My Americans

Throughout television, radio, blogs, overhearing conversations and one on one discussions, there is 1 consensus, we are in a post-American era. The era of big government, massive spending, reckless behavior, socialist like policies, moral destruction and complacency. Every day it seems the progressive bar reaches new heights of control over our lives. And don't think that this has happened over night, no this has been a subsequent mudslide starting back in the progressive era of the 1900s. So many dire events of the 20th century kept our attention away from the inch by inch encroachment of this change..World War 1 ( "The war to end all wars" as quoted by Woodrow Wilson, obviously not) World War 2, the Korean War, Vietnam, the Cold War and the dawn of modern terrorism. And it seems too late. It seems that all recent generations have been brainwashed into this new ideology that past victories were defeats and even foreign combatants have the same rights as God fearing law abiding American citizens. But I say nay! I say, I have seen a rising of Americans in my generation and older generations waking up to see this terrible turmoil brought against us. I see historic American events transcend time and stay relevant in this 21st century, like the Tea Party movement and the 9/12 Project. Readers like yourselves who are pulled from your everyday lives because enough is enough. This amazing America is built in the trust in its people not its government and the quiet are not silent any longer. The post-American era, NO this is the RE-AMERICAN Generation!

God bless America

Sunday, January 10, 2010

God isn't in the equation, he IS the equation

In response to the mentioning of God as a chink in my argument armor, I say this;

Isn't the transparency of God the 1 simple inadequacy that has plunged this country and culture, into an almost moral revolution? Our forefathers believed the only way a Republican Government (I define Republican by form of govnt not a party) could survive is by having a virtuous nation. In fact it was the increase in mortality that accelerated the revolution in the first place. And you might ask, what did the forefathers identify morality by? The 10 Commandments. Using the Golden rule by itself is like eating straight BBQ sauce...no substance. It's like wandering a desert without a guide and will lead to death. Which is where we are headed as a nation. So the introduction of God in my argument was solely for the purpose of explaining that we should not HATE anyone who is homosexual even if he/she is in office, but follow the Golden Rule. But that does not excuse our elected officials to not be virtuous and lead us into ruin. And to suppose that mentioning God in any argument weakens it, I feel is simply preposterous.

"Is there no virtue among us? If there be not, we are in a wretched situation. No theoretical checks, no form of government, can render us secure. To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical idea. If there be sufficient virtue and intelligence in the community, it will be exercised in the selection of these men; so that we do not depend upon their virtue, or put confidence in our rulers, but in the people who are to choose them"

James Madison

Homosexulaity and politics

I have to be honest, this was not what I wanted to post as an initial blog but, this caught my attention and I've been thinking about it since. While getting ready for my day to day business I stumbled upon a story covered on Fox News about a lesbian lawmaker (Utah senator) becoming a surrogate mother for 2 gay men. (I wont bother with names you can find that out on your own.) My initial reaction was, how can a senator like that be elected in a conservative state like Utah? Anyway, as the story read on it described the reasoning behind her decision and that's what blew my mind. The cost of hiring a surrogate mother reaches the 100,000 dollar mark and she felt, I guess, morally obligated to spare these men the cost of such a venture. What a paradox, the good Samaritan story in a morally reprehensible situation. Now, before those of you already offended folks close the page hear this. All men and woman are created equal before God and what you do behind closed doors is your business, not the governments BUT, a homosexual lifestyle is a CHOICE not a birth defect. So when an elected official, especially one who helps create and pass laws, takes her lifestyle choice and uses it as an example of what everyone should do, most likely to win votes from the gay community, what does that say about the individuals we elect to run this country. What kind of Bills will be proposed next? Will she next be a surrogate mother for a heterosexual family financially unable to adopt or hire a surrogate mother? Ladies and gentleman this is inexcusable. This is how much out of control our representatives are becoming. But don't worry, she's fully confident the 2 men will be great parents regardless of no female parent. That's reassuring, I was worried for a second. This senator is looking for reelection this year, if there are any Utahians reading this right now you have a chance to stop this.

-God Bless America