This is a no holds bar discussion blog on where you think this country should be going and how it should get there. I will discuss past, present and future politics and how it affected and will effect our way of life. I invite conservatives, moderates and progressives to post your thoughts. This is the future of our country and we need to get it back on track. My goal is to change one mind at a time and turn this back into the nation of our forefathers!
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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ketchup and Mustard

When doing the research for this topic I thought of so many titles to call it; “Cadillac s, horse buggies and cast systems”,” "I don’t drive a Cadillac or a horse buggy” and “What’s in a union?” But I thought straight and simple was the best choice, so, I’m going to give you the next topic straight and simple too. As you all know the health care debacle keeps on getting crazier and crazier. Remember when you were a child and your family would have a wonderful dinner at their favorite restaurant, but you could never refrain from putting as much ketchup and mustard in a glass of water as you could? You could only put so much junk in the glass until it overflowed gushing out the toxic oz you jest created. I believe we are at that point. In this restaurant though, the ketchup and mustard will be “Unions.” Last Thursday Obama and Democrats agreed that unions would be exempt from a 40 percent tax on high payout plans mostly provided to high risk workers. What does that mean to you the 20-29 year old reading this blog because the title sounded curious? It means join a Union. It means all those plans you had in college of starting your own business and being innovative and basically a hard working American can be thrown down the drain. Its means Unions are the new teachers pet. Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell had this to say about the agreement “It encourages people, actually, to join unions, presumably, because they would get better treatment from the government on their health care proposal." And he’s exactly right. It seems it’s a do whatever it takes to pass this bill mentality to the extreme. President Obama even had to audacity to say "This will be a victory not for Democrats," Obama said. "It will be a victory for dignity and decency, and for our common humanity. It will be a victory for the United States of America." Dignity of what, decency of whom? The only dignity and decency I can see if for this whole concoction to stop. Stop adding these crazy ingredients and then calling it a cocktail. Unlike when we were children there is no one to reprimand them and tell them if they don’t stop they’ll be grounded for a week.

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