This is a no holds bar discussion blog on where you think this country should be going and how it should get there. I will discuss past, present and future politics and how it affected and will effect our way of life. I invite conservatives, moderates and progressives to post your thoughts. This is the future of our country and we need to get it back on track. My goal is to change one mind at a time and turn this back into the nation of our forefathers!
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Friday, January 15, 2010

How the World Health Orginization is trying to kill us

Today I fell out of my seat. We all know the progressive agenda of world wide everything i.e. currency, government, health care, EPA just to name a few. But really, we didn’t think, myself included, any of this stuff would come to fruition did we? I mean it’s just an abstract idea of utopia that man kind can never achieve because well, we’re human. Well some people just aren’t convinced utopia is unachievable, so I’m scared and sad tell you this new developing controversy. The WHO apparently intends to ask governments to impose taxes on everyday life activities like I don’t know just the INTERNET and paying bills on line to name a few. I know your thinking hahaha this post is funny, but what’s the real story. I’m sorry to say this is it. The WHO believes this could raise “tens of billions of dollars” for research and manufacturing in a so called new global medical industry. The best part is what they plan to called it, are you ready? It’s called the “indirect consumer tax.” A panel of 34 supervisory Executive Board members (what the heck does that even mean) will debate this at a bi-annual meeting in Geneva. The name itself is so bureaucratic it makes me want to throw up. This isn’t the only idea brewing across the Atlantic; I mean this is only 14 months in the making according to reports. There is already such a tax, which is also hosted by the WHO, attached to airlines tickets in countries such as France, Brazil, Chile, Norway and Britain. These extra fees range from $1.20 to $58. Look people I’m all for new research and the advancement of medicine. However, this is just another scheme of wealth redistribution. Excluding other nations, we as Americans are already strapped for cash as it is ok. There is no way I’m going to pay a tax to access this blog to let Americans know of these injustices. Furthermore, does anyone remember taxation without representation? That’s what this is. Do you think there will be a vote on this? I bet not. Oh, maybe we can see the debate on C-SPAN. If you want to find out more go check out any news outlet. I’m just here to let you know this is going on. Man I just fell out of my seat again!

God bless America


  1. This isnt about health care but about USA being a super power. maybe besides military we shouldnt care if we lose are super power slot. yes we are number one gross dometic product. and china is coming up fast. but hey if we lose that spot we should also lose the spot of being the number 1 country of helping out national diasaters of other countries, like haiti. Yes it is the right thing to help them out but why does it have to be mainly us. Why cant China, Japan, and even Germany throw in a helping hand they have money and people right? Hey if they help we can start putting the money that we would of put into those countries into ours, and maybe get out of debt. Well i am going to leave you guys with the famous quote "I remember my first beer" Will Ferrell

  2. Wow I didn't know that one, but that's rediculous. This is all going to lead to another civil war if they keep it up.
